How about
"As we come to the end of another year..."
"As we look forward with anticipation to another great year ... "
or, perhaps more honestly:
"As we dream, yet again, that the little fairy that ignites the midnight fireworks will grant us a new and more tenacious personality and better financial management skills ...."
No, that's far too cynical for a night of collective delusion and unfounded hopes. Let's go with
"As we bring 2014 to a close ..."
As we bring 2014 to a close, it's time to reflect on the key numbers of the year that's been. Here are the key statistics of our lives:
470, 654. The number of litres of milk wasted by people not wanting to eat putty and so getting the WeetBix / Milk ratio wrong, and having to tip the left-over down the sink.
53,008. The number of pieces of Lego inadvertently consumed by kids, and parents who should know better, while prying the difficult bits apart with their teeth.
9, 322, 934. The number of column inches in newspapers devoted to speculation and predictions about the economy.
3. The number of economic pundits in the newspaper that were right about anything at all, including their own names.
6.23 X 10^23. The number of refreshes on Facebook made in the hope that someone, somewhere was doing something more interesting than us and would post about it, thereby giving us a distraction from the tedious, non-Hollywood humdrum of our daily existence.
12. The number of kids who actually got down from there, reflected on the irresponsibility of their decision and never went up there again.
50 cents. The average real benefit we all got from loyalty programs and frequent shopper points this year.
2. The number of winners from reality TV shows this year that you can still name; throwing into sharp relief the efficacy of their bid for immortal fame.
1,248. The number of people this year whose combination of astounding ignorance and insistent opinions have left me almost exactly balanced between profound disbelief and an aching to be the agent of natural selection.
9.2 X 10^15. The number of WeightWatchers points that have been discounted from the daily allowance by a process of self-delusion and a method of mental accountancy that multi-national corporations would pay good money to get access to.
44,500,013. The number of real estate agent ads that have described the property in question as "neat as a pin" - whatever that's supposed to mean.
54. The average number of thoughts we've each had about cyclists on the road, immigrants, religious groups, bogans, fat people etc that we're ashamed to admit, even to ourselves.
25 mL. The total extra we've managed to get into our fuel tanks by giving the bowser handle just one more squeeze, even though it's clicked-off because the tank was already full. In total, we've managed to average an extra 100m between fuelling stops as a result.
127. The daily average of sentences my 6 year old has started with "Dad, Guess what" to make sure I'm really listening not just randomly cycling through "Uh-huh", "Good" and "Really!"
What are the key numbers of your year?
What are the key numbers of your year?