Thursday, 8 January 2015

But you didn't ask

Dear Zog,

It is my tenth week here on Earth, observing these humans and, let me tell you, they are an endlessly perplexing species and live a great deal of their lives in silent frustration because their needs are not fulfilled.

Not because they are, apparently, incapable of fulfilling their needs but because they never actually communicate them.

The first stage in their misery appears to be to not allow their own needs to be clearly formed in their minds. Many of them appear to believe in a god that knows, and judges, what they are thinking and it may be that they don't allow themselves to think clearly about their own needs in case this deity is angered by the inappropriateness of their desires and is forced to have himself nailed to a cross again. Or something like that. The whole story about that god seems very confused.

After that, and before they open their mouths, comes the second phase of feared judgement - worrying about what other people will think of their desires. It seems that, lacking telepathy, and being brought up largely by parents who felt they had to hide their real selves from their children, most humans are left with a great deal of fear about what is going on in other people's heads. From what I can see, they seem to believe that they, alone, are having certain thoughts or need certain things and that everyone else belongs to a completely different species which would mock the ideas of the first person if only they knew about them.

Which, if they are all that way, doesn't make any kind of sense.

Ironically enough, there is a certain level of hypocritical mockery that goes on. Humans - mostly of the limited intelligence caste - seem to want to ensure that their thoughts about someone else's thoughts are the same thoughts that everyone else is having. So once one person starts mocking, they will join in as if they had never thought seriously about the idea of parachuting off the roof using an umbrella themselves.

The fear of mockery seems to be strongest between human beings who are mating. The desire to mate in the first instance cannot be clearly stated for fear of refusal. Therefore, it is important for the human to suggest and hint that they might, at some future time, like to mate and thus put off the refusal for some time. Perhaps wishful thinking is important to their psychological health.

Once they have agreed to mate - and many seem to promise the god I talked about before that they will continue to do so - the reluctance to communicate seems to get worse. I can only assume that it's because they have to appear naked in front of this person and share a bed with them that they are so reluctant to communicate what they want or need. I have overhead mating couples in argument where one party has said "You never give me what I need" and the other has said "How should I know what you need?" and the first has said "If you loved me, you'd know".

This is extremely odd. Unless the deity with the crucifix is giving telepathy as a wedding gift or the golden bands exchanged in the ceremony are conduits for direct communication of some kind, these humans remain little person-sized islands of consciousness in an ocean of darkness. Hiding there and hoping - indeed expecting - that another castaway will find them and know, without communicating, what they want seems to border on the insane.

So it seems preferable for them to be seen as crazy than seen as different.

As I said, a strange species. I will send updates as I learn more.

Your loving father.


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